A Firefighter's Prayer
When I am called to duty, God, wherever flames may rage, Give me the strength to save some life, whatever be its age. Help me embrace a little child, before it is too late, Or save an older person from the horror of that fate. Enable me to be alert to hear the weakest shout, And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out. I want to fill my calling, and to give the best in me, To guard my every neighbor and protect his property. And if according to my fate, l am to lose my life, Please Bless with your protecting hand, my children and my wife.
-----Author Unknown
Chief Croker Quote
"I have no ambition but one, and that is to be a firefighter. The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work, which a firefighter has to do believe that it is a noble calling. There is an adage which states that 'Nothing can be destroyed except by fire'. We strive to preserve from destruction the wealth of the world, which is the product of the industry of men, necessary for the comfort of both the rich and the poor. We are defenders from fire, of the art, which has beautified the world, the product of the the genius of men and the means of the refinement of mankind. But, above all, our proudest endeavor is to save lives of men and women - the work of God himself. Under the impulse of such thoughts, the nobility of the occupation thrills us and stimulates us to deeds of daring, even at the supreme sacrifice. Such considerations may not strike the average mind, but they are sufficient to fill to the limit our ambition in life and to make us serve the general purpose of human society."
Edward F. Croker
Chief of Department
(1899 - 1911)
A Fire Officer's Pledge
I promise concern for others. A willingness to help all those in need.
I promise courage - courage to face and conquer my fears.
Courage to share and endure the ordeal of those who need me.
I promise strength - strength of heart to bear whatever burdens might be placed upon me.
Strength of body to deliver to safety all those placed within my care.
I promise the wisdom to lead, the compassion to comfort, and the love to serve.
Unselfishly whenever I am called.
- Author Unknown
Labor is prior to, and indepedant of, capital. Capital is the only fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.
--- Abraham Lincoln.
The Door That Never Closes
There's a door that never closes, though it opens but one way. It's the door that leads to heaven, at the end of life's long day. It's the threshold of forever, where the heart is always glad. It's a respite for the weary, and a comfort for the sad. It's the door to peace and healing, and the door to joy and grace. Where the master greets each guest by name, with a warm embrace. And the loved ones who pass through, into the light that's shining there, find a sweet and perfect home, within our Father's loving care.
----Author Unknown
For most of us, the issue is not between the "good" and the "bad,
but between the "good" and the "best".
So often, the enemy of the best is the good
---Steven Covey
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
St. Florian
Patron Saint of Firefighters